Index pages on Naver automatically with IndexPlease

IndexPlease is a new service that automatically indexes your pages on Naver. It’s a great way to get your content in front of more people, without any effort on your part. In this article, we’ll show you how to use IndexPlease to get your pages indexed on Naver automatically.

Sign up for IndexPlease

The first step is to sign up for IndexPlease. You can do this by visiting our app and entering your email. Once you’ve signed up, you’ll be able to access your dashboard, where you can add your websites and start getting your pages indexed on Naver.

Add your websites

Add Google account

Once you’re signed up, you can add your websites to IndexPlease. This is a simple process that involves connecting your Google Search Console account (learn how to set up Google Search Console). Once you’ve connected your GSC account, IndexPlease will import all your sites.

Activate your websites


After you’ve added your websites, you’ll need to activate them. This is a simple process that involves clicking a button in your dashboard.

Verify ownership


Once you’ve activated your websites, you’ll need to verify ownership of your websites by adding a file to your site. This is a simple process that can be done in a few minutes (see our guide on how to verify site ownership for Naver).

Sit back and relax


That’s it! Once you’ve activated your websites, you can sit back and relax. IndexPlease will take care of the rest, and your pages will start appearing in Naver search results in no time.

You can keep track of your indexing progress in your dashboard, and you’ll receive an email notification every day notifying you of the number of pages that have been indexed.