Get your pages indexed within 48 hours

IndexPlease will automatically index your pages on Google, Microsoft Bing, Naver, and Yandex within 48 hours.

  • Connect Google Search Console

  • Get all your pages indexed automatically

It's that simple...

App screenshot

Get indexed faster

Everything you need to get your pages indexed now

Without IndexPlease you'll spend too much time trying to get your pages indexed. With IndexPlease you sit back and relax while we index your pages within 48 hours.

Without IndexPlease

Manually work and no insights

  • Inconsistent indexing

  • Manually request indexing

  • Managing multiple webmaster tools

  • 3-4 days delay on insights

With IndexPlease

Automated and actionable

  • Indexing within 48 hours

  • Indexing done automatically

  • Indexing on multiple platforms

  • Real-time insights

What people are saying

Loads of businesses are using IndexPlease to grow their organic traffic

Fair & cheap pricing

Pricing plans for teams of all sizes

Choose an affordable plan that will help you get your pages indexed and increase your organic traffic.

Payment frequency


For people starting their SEO journey


Buy plan
  • 400 pages indexed /day
  • 5 sites
  • Unlimited URLs
  • Unlimited users
  • SEO meta tags previews
  • Open Graph previews
  • Page issue monitoring


The essentials to get all your pages indexed


Buy plan
  • 1000 pages indexed /day
  • 15 sites
  • Everything in Hobby


A plan that scales with your rapidly growing business.


Buy plan
  • 2000 pages indexed /day
  • 30 sites
  • Everything in Freelancer


For agencies and large businesses with large sites


Contact us
  • 2000+ pages indexed /day
  • 30+ sites
  • Everything in Hobby

Frequently asked questions

Get your pages indexed. Start using our app today.

SEO is a long-term game. Stop waiting and let us help you get started with your SEO journey by making sure your pages are indexed on every search engine.